Saturday 7 December 2019


Note that an Alpha channel beyond full transparency might be somewhat problematic with indexed images. Additionally, invoking features such as theming won't work. Sign up using Facebook. A theme cannot reference a bitmap font defined in a different resource file. Sign up using Email and Password. You have overridden the default specifically for the SoftButton. To create a new theme, select the Theme node, then click the button. lwuit theme creator

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Note that an Alpha channel beyond full transparency might be somewhat problematic with indexed images.

lwuit theme creator

If more than colors are present the application offers to try to reduce that number with quality implications. To create a new theme, thdme the Theme node, then click the button.

lwuit theme creator

You have overridden the default specifically for the SoftButton. You can add new selectors using the Add button in the theme. Note — The live preview is displayed for themes only and represents lwuitt behavior of the theme alone. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Click OK when you are finished. It is a good practice to use an image editing tool to index images before including them.

java me - How to use Lwuit Resource Editor for Creating Theme or GUI? - Stack Overflow

Note that a resource bundle can contain more than one theme. Lot of video's available on the Shai's blog.

The new resource is added under the appropriate tab. Email Required, but never shown. I am just downloaded lwuit resource editor. As you make changes in this dialog the preview is updated. When you click the Indexed image radio button, the number of colors is verified.

Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. The title looks small and insignificant. This section has no effect on the rest of the functionality even if the data file is an image themme font. You might add a Title fgColor and set it to red, but that's not quite enough. Licensing the right to use a particular font within a mobile application is strictly your responsibility!

After creating the GUI you can directly generate the class file or project to Netbeans. A theme cannot reference a bitmap font defined in a different resource file. It doesn't contain the other resources in the file that do not relate to the theme.

Sajid Shaikh 3, 3 3 gold badges 17 17 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. To add a resource, click the button in the tab representing the element type you wish to add and specify a name for the resource. Shruti 6, 12 12 gold badges 49 49 silver badges 90 90 bronze badges.

You have created a "default attribute" where the default background color for all components is yellow. An indexed image takes creatir space in the final application and occupies less memory space, however, it takes longer to draw and supports up to colors. This allows you to investigate what gheme aspects affect the application, with some minor caveats: Fonts The LWUIT Designer can use device specific fonts or create bitmap fonts for the devices from any font installed in your desktop operating system.

lwuit theme creator

Sign up using Email and Password. Click the Add button again and select SoftButton in the Components combo box. Active 7 years, 6 months ago. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

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